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Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Projects

it was a very merry Christmas I hope, i got some cash, some candy and a lot of family dinners
However half way through my priming of the 20 bloodreavers, my light broke, and i had to migrate to another workshop.
 i got allot of reaper bones items, i wanted to try some new things, work with a more challenging material.

 i have allot to burn through on these sprues

 a big pile of bloodbeavers
 the second workplace, my light broke.

 be sure to use a strong adhesive if gluing plastic to metal or wood.

 under the light of this small lamp, my painting paled in comparison to my previews work, so i will take a hiatus until i pick up some more tubes.
 more reaper stuff.
 it was a total of $dollars, but $30 of those where off a gift card.

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