Sisters Of Battle
One of my favorite models from GW, the Penitent Engine. I think would be ten times better if redone in new better plastic and with slight improvements to the design, think of the conversions for inq28!, sales would sky rocket.But is in my opinion worth the cash
The same case for this tank, it looks so grand and magnificent, but would be even more so if it matched the quality of the other newer tanks and is worth the cash if you are putting it into an army, but for display, just convert your own.
Some more of my favorites, the Repentia Squad I think actually should stay the same, the classic look would bring diversity to an army. worth it
Not these ones though, they always looked a bit ugly to me, and if they matched the quality of the canoness would be an amazing squad, with some amazing conversion opportunitiesNOT WORTH THE $100
Finally, the best yet, the canoness, one of my favorite John Blanche art pieces brought to miniature form, Something I would definitely want to paint sooner or later, BTW, the repaints of the blightkings should be up soon. Worth the cash
GW was doing the right thing with this model, i think if they were to do more squads in this style the sales would increase at a much higher rate.
But this is all just my opinion, and to each their own.
And don't forget to check my other blog where i have three punk playlists i made.