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Friday, February 24, 2017

WOW, an update

i was wrong about some of those things as a lot of the songs are wonderfully accessible on soundcloud!🔊🔊🔊🕪🕪🕪

Missing Music

Before anything, check out this link 
in the link i made a spotify account of almost all the dead milkmen songs i could find on the site
including ones i cant find on youtube.

witch segways us into this topic, My favorite band The Dead Milkmen a punk rock band like none other, has an album : pretty music for pretty people  Witch has seemingly gone missing from the surface of the internet, only about two or three songs can be found of youtube, i need to find them,
so i will be attempting to contact at least one of the band members to see if they could release pmfpp, and/or nine new sins, on their youtube channel.