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Friday, December 30, 2016

HappyLast Day Of 2016.

First of all happy new year, second of all don't expect posts as frequent as in the summer.
more like the early winter posting schedule. Expect some more reaper minis, not many 40k models at all. tutorials, music lists (on promethium) more actual painting techniques and theory's and less lore for ROTA. Try not to make any ambitions resolutions, ease into things. i wont touch much, i want to be a better painter. Most people would try to exercise more, that's good but i already have been doing wight training for Quite a while now, and i encourage others to do the same. But don't be a douche about it.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

New Projects

it was a very merry Christmas I hope, i got some cash, some candy and a lot of family dinners
However half way through my priming of the 20 bloodreavers, my light broke, and i had to migrate to another workshop.
 i got allot of reaper bones items, i wanted to try some new things, work with a more challenging material.

 i have allot to burn through on these sprues

 a big pile of bloodbeavers
 the second workplace, my light broke.

 be sure to use a strong adhesive if gluing plastic to metal or wood.

 under the light of this small lamp, my painting paled in comparison to my previews work, so i will take a hiatus until i pick up some more tubes.
 more reaper stuff.
 it was a total of $dollars, but $30 of those where off a gift card.